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slightly soluble meaning in Hindi

slightly soluble sentence in Hindi

ईषद् विलेय
slightly    किंचित् कुछ-कुछ
soluble    वसा विलेय विलेय
1.It is very slightly soluble in water and miscible with alcohol.

2.The sulfate is slightly soluble, like the other cerium group sulfates.

3.Most other phosphates are only slightly soluble or are insoluble in water.

4.Spermaceti is insoluble in water, very slightly soluble in cold alcohol.

5.Cyclohexanone is slightly soluble in water and miscible with common organic solvents.

6.It is an orange solid that is only slightly soluble in water.

7.It is soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol.

8.It is a colorless liquid, slightly soluble in water.

9.It is soluble in water and slightly soluble in methanol.

10.Paraffin wax is slightly soluble in hot isopropyl alcohol, see here.

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How to say slightly soluble in Hindi and what is the meaning of slightly soluble in Hindi? slightly soluble Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.